My Thanks and Givings: +Peta-de-Aztlan+
I am thankful for just being able to think!
Giving back to lost souls on the brink
Swaying back-and-forth between mutual destruction
And total self-annihilation.
I am thankful for the simple blessings
Giving up to God all my secret confessings.
I am thankful for learning to forgive if not forget
For being released of bitter resentments.
I am thankful for all my seasons and senses
For great times filled with sights, sounds and sensations.
For special magical memories I shall forever cherish
For innocent pure loves that will never perish.
I am thankful for being able to give back
And not being stuck stranded on railroad tracks.
My thanks go to all the bountiful blessings
Our Lord in His grace has bestowed upon me
With my fervent prayers He heard my pleas!
It is in our free giving that we truly receive!
Happy Thanksgiving to All My Relations ~ Mitakuye Oyasin!
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Ó 11.23.2006 / Peter S. Lopez