Thursday, October 19, 2006

Response from Democracy Now! Re: Analysis on Latino Liberation Inside the United States: By Peter S. Lopez wrote:

Date: 19 Oct 2006 02:30:25 -0000



Subject: Re: Analysis on Latino Liberation Inside the United States: By Peter S. Lopez


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-------- Original Message --------

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 Analysis on Latino Liberation Inside the United States:
By Peter S. Lopez

October 18, 2006

The term ‘Latino; I utilize the general term ‘Latinos’ as an inclusive term to refer to the diversity of all of La Raza Cosmica: Chicanos, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Latin Americans and all indigenous native peoples of the Americas including Central America and Latin America> of non-European extraction.

We require a common term to describe ourselves as a distinct people despite our great diversity as a unique beautiful people of Mother Earth. Let our scholarly Chicano pundits argue about this terminology until doomsday, as we continue to die in the hot d> eserts, wide fields and blind alleys of Amerika!

2006 ~ Ano of the Grande Marcha

The year 2006 has been an historic year for Latinos inside the United States. For us, the big events that happened earlier this year have been the great immigrant rights marches and rallies witnessed by millions of people worldwide in support of Mexican i> mmigrants with the proclamation of the humane ideal that immigrant rights are ultimately humane rights!

The once proposed racist-xenophobic Sensenbrenner Bill and many other historical events and elements converged together and triggered this spiritual awakening and ‘woke up’ a lot of us, especially Mexican immigrants but also many Chicano elders. Repressio> n breeds resistance!



Easter Sunday, April 16, 2006: On the Spiritual Awakening of La Raza Cosmica

Apr 25, 2006: Can the Immigrant Rights Movement Be Channeled into Votes?

August 28, 2006: Talking to Nativo Lopez / "The Immigrants' Rights Movement is in Good Hands" By RON JACOBS

Monday, May 1st, 2006: Immigrants Take to U.S. Streets in Show of Strength

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006: The Meaning of the May Day Marches and the Future of the Immigrant Rights Movement


The New Immigrant Rights Movement

As of this hump day, there has been a long lull in relation to the immigrant rights movement, but traditional leadership should have expected this social phenomena. There has not been a lot of the basic essential groundwork that still needs to be done, wh> ich is, basic community education, mass mobilization and organizational building. We have not done our own homework over the last few decades and are getting poor grades as a result. If you plant no seeds nothing will grow. As you sow, so shall ye reap!

Naturally and historically, the majority of immigrants in the U.S.A. are from old Mexico. The U.S. southwest is the homeland of Mexicans and still called ‘Aztlan’ and considered our land by many of us. We have been here, we will always be there and we are> not all going back to what is now the territory of Mexico. Some say we here inside the continental U.S.A. are already in Occupied Mexico, though, any idea of a separate Chicano Nation is insane and only further confuses the real set of ‘issues in questio> n’ before us today.

Many so-called ‘illegal immigrants’ inside the United States are just trying to live real quiet anonymous lives, continue to work hard here for the exploiters, aim to keep their blood families together and simply want to be left alone to live out their li> ves in relative peace. The only sane solution to the endless ‘immigration debate’ is General Amnesty for the odd-12 million immigrants who are already here now inside the continental United States.

Many neo-Minutemen White racists with their ol’ KKK mentality, plagued with phony patriotism, have fake amnesia as they pretend to forget that indigenous peoples are the original owners of these ancient lands, not White Europeans. Red-white and blue flag-> draped phony American patriots should not mistake an ancient people’s kindness for weakness, especially if those racist Americans fail to practice the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance clause “… with liberty and justice for all!”

The Unfinished Mexican Revolution

Stupidity is the orphan stepchild of ignorance. Mexicans are not stupid and never have been stupid, as some stupid White racists and xenophobic haters may still believe. In fact, Mexicans will identify with a violent armed people’s revolution in memory of> Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa for their liberation before participating in mere spontaneous counter-productive street riots. Armed revolution is in our blood.

Link= The Mexican Revolution of 1910

Mexico is still a neo-colony of U.S. imperialism. Many Mexicans seek to escape the misery of poverty in Mexico by immigrating to the United States.

Recall: the future Presidency of Lopez Obrador was stolen by the illegitimate Mexican government with U.S. corporate backing and the original Mexican revolution is still unfinished business.

Wednesday, September 6th, 2006: Mexico Court Declares Calderon Winner of Disputed Election, Lopez Obrador Vows to Form Parallel Gov't

Keep in mind that the Bush rogue regime is itself an illegitimate government stolen by fraud, deception and corporate deciders in 2000 and 2004. President Bush and his Oval Office Cabal are international war criminals themselves, should be arrested and pr> osecuted in an international court of law and they are still waging an unjust losing war in Iraq!

Ultimately, it is up to our Mexican brothers and sisters in and from Mexico to continue to come out with their own independent vanguard leadership, along with our ready help, able assistance and global networking. Each of us have our own plans and priorit> ies, though, we should have shared humane principles.

The Defunct Chicano Movement

The old Chicano Movement is a dead horse and needs to be revitalized in a completely new way if it is to ever have any real relevancy again. It had key major failures and failed to reach out and fully incorporate into its struggles Mexicans, Puerto Ricans> , Cubans and other Latinos. Many Mexicans do not trust the old guard of the Chicano Movement to look after their special interests and rightly so. Many of our local youth do not even call themselves Chicanos or even Chicano-Americans. They identify with hip-hop more than Chicanismo!

In the late 60’s and early 70’s, a lot of the initial revolutionary thrust of the Chicano Movement was defused and sidetracked by narrow-minded Chicano cultural nationalism. Colorful art murals, cultural trinkets and other nationalist trappings cannot cre> ate a real nation that has its territorial integrity respected. Some Chicanos made a good hustle of living off the Movimiento; others infiltrated into the pig system and then forgot they had done so!

True power is the dual capacity to define and transform connected reality. The climax of real power is ownership and control of the land and all the institution thereon, along with a fully equipped standing army!

Latino Liberation Now!

Chicanos inside the United States are in a key geographical situation to help spread the growth and development of new forms of struggles and new battlefronts arm-in-arm with other positive hard-core warriors of all colors and backgrounds. However, the ol> d Chicano Movement will have to shed its old skin of reactionary nationalism and come to embrace scientific democratic socialism, along with the peoples of Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba and other liberated territories of Latin America in opposition to the Amer> ikan Empire.

President Chavez's Speech to the United Nations: Friday, Sep 16, 2005

We as Chicanos need to think in terms of ‘Latino Liberation’ in conjunction with the humane liberation of all peoples worldwide. Armed with courage, we must all take the great leap forward to worldwide socialism as the only real alternative political-econ> omic system to corporate capitalism, no matter what Amerikan Fascist propaganda tells you!

Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: 'sO-sh&-"li-z&m
Function: noun
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

For us Latinos, the whole unjust Amerikan occupation of Iraq has not escaped our attention or the obvious fact that many people of Iraq are brown-skinned as we are. We are aware of the rants and raves of the Bush Regime in its bogus war on terror. The fas> cist war on terror is a hidden weapon of mass distraction from our own urgent need to build up a strong Latino Liberation Movement inside the United States in harmony with all progressive social liberation movements.

Our White comrades do not face the same racism, repression and surface profiling that we do as non-White peoples in a White dominated urban society. Fortunately, our common interests are far greater than any surface differences.

Many of us Latinos live daily in real terror of deportation in certain social settings. We can make the relevant connections and inter-connections. Can you prove you are an American citizen with the paperwork on you? Do you know where your Birth Certifica> te is? Do you look like a Mexican immigrant?

General Elections: November 7th, 2006

Many progressive activists are looking forward to the mid-term elections on November 7th, 2006 in the hopes of voters electing positive and progressive candidates into office to really change the composition of the U.S. Congress that will also be receptiv> e to our goals for social democracy and justice. But be sure not to hold your breath. We usually get merely a new batch of crooks and regular ‘politics’ is another word for corruption to many. Our politics must be the politics of relating to the people’s > basic survival needs and the people’s politics of liberation!

The U.S. liberal-radical Left Wing vanguard elements are still divided and too busy attacking each other, either overtly or covertly, to attack our real historic enemies. Once again, there is no one relevant revolutionary vanguard party inside the United > States nor I suspect will there ever be one.

If there is to be a strong unity based upon common principles among the people’s vanguard elements it will be a mixed assortment of different functional organizations, political parties and interest groups. There is no one party line to follow, no fixed h> ierarchy to obey, and no regimented movement. This has positive and negative aspects for us. We live in the most diverse, high-tech and complicated society in all of human history. We are in the Third Millennium! In reflection, our minds and analyses must> also be a little complex as all social issues are intrinsically connected in connected reality. No one or nothing exists in isolation in-and-of-itself.

We cannot go it alone, but we can do it all together with all liberated people with liberated souls and minds. We need to settle our petty ideological differences, come together on the basis of a common humane rights agenda, work with all progressive elem> ents from all sectors of the general population and continue doing local community education and voter registration work wherever we are at in Aztlan.

We should follow humane liberation principles, not mortal men. If there is no leading vanguard group in your area, start one!

Independent Third Parties

Independent third parties, such as, the Green Party, Peace & Freedom, La Raza Unida, and the new Party for Socialism and Liberation, can have great positive roles to play in electoral politics in national, state and local elections, but they have never do> minated Amerikan electoral politics. A throwaway protest vote or a non-vote is not an example of real participation. It is asinine apathy and apathy can be a silent killer.

Some critical social issues can be emphasized by third parties that are largely ignored or dismissed by the traditional duo-party system, however, the connected reality is that third parties running in public elections have a far better chance of actually> winning political campaigns on the local level than on state and national levels. In all comes down to factual analyses of actual conditions, then, timely appropriate responses to those conditions.

All our work should be done in harmonious conjunction with community - oriented mass education and mass mobilization that addresses a diversity of social issues while always keeping uppermost in mind the people's basic survival interests: food, clothing, > shelter, medical care and quality education.

Inside the USA today, corporate politics and corporate business interests ultimately govern Amerikan electoral politics. It is always structurally and institutionally dominated by the duo-parties of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party like a two> -headed monster. We are always living under the mega-corporate controlled global economy protected by the Fascist Amerikan Empire.

Electoral politics and campaigns can be utilized as talking points for reaching out to people, raising consciousness and building power bases of operation.

Ultimately, it is up to the American people to wake up in order to make real fundamental social change and structural transformation, not established political parties alone. It is a truism that we end up with the system of government we deserve based upo> n our personal participation as world citizens or not.

True proportional democracy

Unless the masses of U.S. citizens take a real active role in community education, voter registration and electoral politics on a mass basis and mass level there can be no true proportional democracy to truly represent the diversity of the millions of peo> ple in present-day Amerikan society.

A true proportional democracy within which all the people participate would be far better than the present broken system of representative democracy we have now. A true democracy would need to be worldwide and governed by the majority of the general popul> ation on a worldwide basis with the highest respect for the rights of all minorities and all those affected by our dream democracy. There can be no safe real democracy for anyone when fascist tyranny exists anywhere and always threatens its continued exis> tence.

So-called democracy inside the United States for so-called poor minorities or people of color results in continued fascist tyranny and racist domination by the White majority. White racist ideology still remains one of the major obstacles to significant s> ocial unity inside the United States, let alone the evilness of present-day U.S. foreign policy in Third World ‘hot spots' and the regional wars instigated by the Bush rogue regime.

We should always seek common denominators that unite us, not apparent differences that divide us. Unity based upon humane principles is the key!

Think global, work global and face the HERE AND NOW of connected reality before you!.

Liberation or Death!
Peter S. Lopez ~ aka: Peta-de-Aztlan
HumanE Liberation Party, Field Coordinator
Sacramento, California, Aztlan

Relevant Links=

Phil Angelides ~ Democrat for Governor

Peter Camejo ~ Green Party Candidate for Governor

Party for Socialism and Libertion

La Raza Unida Party
General Election Date = November 7th, 2006

HELP Portal

Join Up! Humane-Rights-Agenda Yahoo Group

Aztlannet Website

# posted by Peta-de-Aztlan : Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Comments: Post a Comment


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How to Splatter Your Brains On Blogs! =Blogspot by Peter S. Lopez

Blogger: Peter S. Lopez

How to Splatter Your Brains On Blogs!
Being on the Internet

I am blessed to have a Hewlett-Packard Pentium computer, Internet access with Comcast via a wireless broadband connection and have been online now for a few
years posting Emails, low-ridin' on the web, checking out lots of websites and moderating online groups.

To be online is like being in another dimension outside of ordinary reality. I have met several people I first ‘met’ online in ‘real life’. One click of a link leads to another and another. Thus, I have a semblance of life in three spheres of connected reality: online on the Internet, offline out in the community and inline in my own personal life.

Today I am the Group Moderator for the Humane-Rights-Agenda Yahoo Group online that has about 400 Members. Plus, among others groups online, I am in on the Digital Divide Network Discussion List, which promotes bridging the digital divide between the ‘haves’ with regular Internet access from their computers, and the ‘have-nots’ who do not have computer-Internet access.

One day I got an Email by a Group Member and an online friend who invited me to be a contributor to his blog. I checked it out his blog, created my first blog, toyed with the blog settings and it was on!

I figured out more or less what a blog was about, became a blogger and I decided to make a companion blog for my Yahoo Group in order to promote it, have a wider Internet presence and create user-friendly archives. So I did some research about blogs, blogging and started my own blog.

What the heck is a blog anyway?

I noticed sometime back that the term ‘blog’ was popping up more and more on the Internet, on my main cable channel CNN-TV and mentioned by others I know on the Internet. At first I thought a blog was just for professional business people with high-tech expertise and you had to be really techno-savvy, but such was not the case.

To me, the term ‘blog’ is short for a business log on the Internet and different kinds of blogs can be used for different purposes. According to Wikipedia, Jorn Barger coined the term ‘weblog’ in 1997. ‘Blog’ was accepted as a noun (weblog shortened) and as a verb (‘to blog’ meaning ‘to edit one's weblog or to post to one's weblog’). After a slow start, blogging rapidly gained in popularity: the site Xanga, launched in 1996, had only 100 diaries by 1997, and over 50,000,000 as of December 2005. According to The Blog Herald, a blog about blogs, as of October 2005 there were over 100 million blogs and the figures are growing exponentially as they multiply themselves.

Related Link:

In a way, having a blog is like having your own individual web page, but it is easier to create, maintain and manipulate compared to web page design. You can have an online daily journal as a blog, have a general theme like gardening or an archive for your favorite poems. Your only limitation is your wild imagination. A blog can be about whatever you want it to be.

What you need to get your blog on!

To get your blog on all you need is a regular computer with Internet access. Just think of a computer as a fancy typewriter and the Internet as a bunch of folks sharing stuff via the World Wide Web through websites, online groups, Emails and nowadays with blogs. Internet Power with its high technology intimidates many people, especially older people who can live without all that high-tech jazz, but a basic blog is really easy once you get the simple basics of it down. Plus, being computer literate, Internet savvy and working software programs are now basic job skills in many of today’s high-tech equipped professional occupations.

Your First Blog

The entire user-friendly software program you need you can download for free onto your computer. Then, you can start blogging onto your blog from a regular Windows document, from your Email program like a regular Email and nowadays you can even blog text messages and pictures from your mobile phone. People with little or no technical background can create, update and maintain a blog. Once you make your first blog you can share your blog with family, friends online and others. If you screw up you can always delete it and start all over fresh when you refresh!

Kinds of Blogs

I have few blogs that I keep up for different purposes. For example, I have one for my humane rights online group; one for my progressive recovery group; one that serves as an open online journal and one for my archives where documents, pictures and research results are stored. My blogs help free up space on my computer’s hard drive because it is all stored online. Plus, I can access them anywhere in the world with a computer-Internet connection. The best approach is to study about blogs, do not be afraid to experiment and to check out other blogs for tips and techniques for your own blog.

Get your blog on!

Have the courage to read and act upon this article! As long as there is an Internet there will be blogs, online groups, Emails, chat rooms and other forms of human communications. It is really easy to ‘get your blog on’ and it makes you certified ‘cool’. Any simpleton can get an Email address, but a blog is a real step up in being Internet savvy. Plus, a blog is a great way to express yourself, will help with your creative writing and can be a great way to share with others through words, pictures and key links.

Relevant Blog Links

Suggested Book: Blogging For Dummies = By Brad Hill

A Bloggers' Code of Ethics

Blog for America

Digital Divide Network Blogs

Yahoo Blog Link

MSN Spaces

Global Voices Online

How to Create Your Own Blog
Author: Andy Carvin, EDC Center for Media & Community | December 8th, 2004

Happy Blogging Blogger!


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    Update= 10-18-2006

    On Podcasting for Liberation Now!

    Note: This blogsot is still under construction.....

    Update: 10-18-2006

    I will centralize information about this subject this blog source and update it from time to time.

    We are truly blessed to have access to Internet Power in order to share with others our ideas, thoughts and experiences via Emails, Instant Messages, Online Group, Blogs, Websites and even Chat Rooms.

    Now we are exponentially entering into Podcasting. The term IPod is kind of a trademark by Apple.~ Thanks to Joseph Puentes with the Podhi Yahoo Group! and Sister Shelita with Necessary Dissent, I am learning a little more about podcasting in order to share voice messages and music stuff in a way so that we can just pass on a given URL Weblink, then, others with speakers can hear us. Plus, if they have microphones that can make their own Messages via Podcasting.

    Ideally, we can help spread the Message about Liberation Now!

    Check out Gcast for Podcasting information:
    Click here ~

    From the website.....
    Podcasting 101 What is a podcast?

    Don't worry! You're not the first to ask. A podcast is an audio recording, which could be anything from a 10-sec sound to a 30-min radio show, stored as an MP3 file that anybody can download.

    The word podcast is also used to mean a podcast channel, i.e., a channel that listeners can "subscribe" to and receive future audio posts, or podcast entries, all for FREE. (For technical readers, a podcast channel is an RSS feed, and each audio post is an enclosure embedded in the RSS feed.)

    The result is a new way of sharing audio via the Internet.

    Imagine having a radio with millions of channels, and being able to have your favorite channels automatically saved for future listening on your PC or iPod. Each channel could range from professionally-produced radio programs to short voice messages recorded by phone.

    Imagine also the ability to create your own channel or audio journal and share it with the rest of the world! That's exactly what Gcast enables you to do, whether you're recording messages by phone, sharing music online, or creating entire audio productions.

    How do I listen and subscribe to podcasts?
    You've got plenty of options.

    Click & play on the web
    If your web browser is enabled with Flash, you can listen to podcasts embedded in web pages (such as the one on the Gcast home page). This is enabled by Gcast's embeddable player technology, which allows anybody to embed a podcast in any web page.

    Download MP3 files
    Many podcast channels are also available as individual MP3 files which you can download to your computer and listen on your media player of choice.

    Subscribe via iTunes for automatic downloads
    If you have iTunes (version 4.9 or later), you can use it to subscribe to any podcast channel, and all past, present, and future audio files in that channel will be automatically downloaded to your computer (and to your iPod, when you connect it). To do this, simply select the "Subscribe to Podcast" option from the "Advanced" menu in iTunes.

    Subscribe for automatic downloads if you don't have iTunes
    If you don't have iTunes, there are plenty of other software products that will work with your media player of choice. Each of these products allows you to subscribe to podcast channels, and audio files will be automatically downloaded and added to your media library. The most popular software seems to be iPodder. Here's a list of other podcasting software.

    Subscribe via MyYahoo or MyMSN
    If you have a MyYahoo or MyMSN account, you can easily add any podcast channel to that account. The podcast channel will simply appear as a new module, and each new "post" will appear as a new "headline" on your personalized page.

    Subscribe via email alerts
    This is the simplest way to subscribe to a podcast. GCcast enables listeners to subscribe for email alerts and whenever a podcast channel is updated, you'll automatically receive email with links to download the new audio file(s).

    Do I need an iPod or other portable device?
    No! Here's why...

    No! Anybody with a computer can listen to podcasts and subscribe to podcast channels!

    The term podcasting was originally named after the popular iPod device, and the podcasting trend has been fueled by iPod owners ravenously searching for content to fill up their iPods. However, you don't need an iPod to enjoy podcasting!

    To learn about all the options for listening to podcasts and subscribing to podcast channels, click here: How do I listen to podcasts?

    How do I create a podcast?
    It's easy, fun, and FREE with Gcast.

    Where can I find more podcasts?
    The lists grow longer every day!

    Podcast directories are growing every day. Here's links to some of our favorites:

    Yahoo! Podcasts - allows playback right from the web
    iTunes Podcast Directory - requires iTunes
    ODEO - has nice playback and subscription options
    GarageBand Radio Network - hundreds of podcasts with great music!
    Podcast Alley
    NPR Podcast Directory
    One can podcast via a cell phone and could conceivably do actual field reports and edit later at the command post. I am still new to the process so check it out and let us know what you think!

    For those of you who are overseas or across an ocean pond this can be a way for us to communicate via this new technology.

    Remember: Correct ideas come from class struggle, material productrion and scientific experiment!!!

    Hyperlinks are keys to other dimensions of learning and exploring. It is strange how the Internet first got going for fascost gpvernment military reasons. Maybe now we can turn it around to help forward the People's Liberation Movement!

    Revolutionary education is a basic need for the people in order to help guide them in the process of liberation. I believe podcastomg is the next tech revolution or wave for the internet.

    The blogs have already become a global means for mass communications of information as distinct from online groups.

    On the Internet many people such as I mainly focus on blogs these days as they can transmit current events and / or interests to others and in the process create an online archives or storage areas for stuff.

    Truthout has been doing this already for a long time.

    t r u t h o u t Video Podcasting

    Welcome to the TO Multimedia Page!

    What is video podcasting? By using iTunes you will be able to subscribe to our podcasts, and when we post a new video your iTunes will automatically download it and have it ready to play the next time you launch your iTunes studio. For those with the latest iPods that support video you can load our video content onto your iPod as well and view it anytime. Video podcasting is the latest advancement from Apple Computers, but you can enjoy it from a Windows PC as well. Just go to

    and download iTunes 6. You don't need an iPod to view our podcasts - your iTunes will play the video right on your computer.

    Once you have iTunes set up and ready to go, subscribe to our podcasts and we will provide you with our latest video content.

    No Human Being Is Illegal
    A Report by Allie Deger and Scott Galindez

    On Monday, May 1st, millions of people around the country participated in boycotts and marches to support humane immigration reform. In Los Angeles, nearly a million people took to the streets throughout the day. Allie Deger and Scott Galindez filed this report from the scene.


    Windows Media



    Over one million audio files from podcasts and all over the web. Listen, download, subscribe...

    For Audio Pod casting ~ Check out Gcast

    The Audio files for this project are archived at:

    I mainly envision the mass education aspects of this whole phenomena, especially for helping people with develop their literacy via the written word by using the spoken word.

    It all comes down to utilizing the Power of the Transmitted Word in conjunction with the Power of Our Collective Actions.

    Let not high-tech machines replace normal and natural one-to-one direct communication. It is a truism that the human eyes can be windows into the soul.

    Power to the Truth! Prayers and Blessings!
    Peta de Aztlan
    Sacramento, Califas, Divided States zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzapata
    Update: 10-18-2006

  • Liberation Now!

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    Analysis on Latino Liberation Inside the United States: By Peter S. Lopez


    October 18, 2006

    The term ‘Latino

    I utilize the general term ‘Latinos’ as an inclusive term to refer to the diversity of all of La Raza Cosmica: Chicanos, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Latin Americans and all indigenous native peoples of the Americas including Central America and Latin America of non-European extraction.

    We require a common term to describe ourselves as a distinct people despite our great diversity as a unique beautiful people of Mother Earth. Let our scholarly Chicano pundits argue about this terminology until doomsday, as we continue to die in the hot deserts, wide fields and blind alleys of Amerika!

    2006 ~ Ano of the Grande Marcha

    The year 2006 has been an historic year for Latinos inside the United States. For us, the big events that happened earlier this year have been the great immigrant rights marches and rallies witnessed by millions of people worldwide in support of Mexican immigrants with the proclamation of the humane ideal that immigrant rights are ultimately humane rights!

    The once proposed racist-xenophobic Sensenbrenner Bill and many other historical events and elements converged together and triggered this spiritual awakening and ‘woke up’ a lot of us, especially Mexican immigrants but also many Chicano elders. Repression breeds resistance!

    Easter Sunday, April 16, 2006: On the Spiritual Awakening of La Raza Cosmica

    Apr 25, 2006: Can the Immigrant Rights Movement Be Channeled into Votes?

    August 28, 2006: Talking to Nativo Lopez / "The Immigrants' Rights Movement is in Good Hands" By RON JACOBS

    Monday, May 1st, 2006: Immigrants Take to U.S. Streets in Show of Strength

    Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006: The Meaning of the May Day Marches and the Future of the Immigrant Rights Movement

    The New Immigrant Rights Movement

    As of this hump day, there has been a long lull in relation to the immigrant rights movement, but traditional leadership should have expected this social phenomena. There has not been a lot of the basic essential groundwork that still needs to be done, which is, basic community education, mass mobilization and organizational building. We have not done our own homework over the last few decades and are getting poor grades as a result. If you plant no seeds nothing will grow. As you sow, so shall ye reap!

    Naturally and historically, the majority of immigrants in the U.S.A. are from old Mexico. The U.S. southwest is the homeland of Mexicans and still called ‘Aztlan’ and considered our land by many of us. We have been here, we will always be here and we are not all going back to what is now the territory of Mexico. Some say we here inside the continental U.S.A. are already in Occupied Mexico, though, any idea of a separate Chicano Nation is insane and only further confuses the real set of ‘issues in question’ before us today.

    Many so-called ‘illegal immigrants’ inside the United States are just trying to live real quiet anonymous lives, continue to work hard here for the exploiters, aim to keep their blood families together and simply want to be left alone to live out their lives in relative peace. The only sane solution to the endless ‘immigration debate’ is General Amnesty for the odd-12 million immigrants who are already here now inside the continental United States.

    Many neo-Minutemen White racists with their ol’ KKK mentality, plagued with phony patriotism, have fake amnesia as they pretend to forget that indigenous peoples are the original owners of these ancient lands, not White Europeans. Red-white and blue flag-draped phony American patriots should not mistake an ancient people’s kindness for weakness, especially if those racist Americans fail to practice the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance clause “… with liberty and justice for all!”

    The Unfinished Mexican Revolution

    Stupidity is the orphan stepchild of ignorance. Mexicans are not stupid and never have been stupid, as some stupid White racists and xenophobic haters may still believe. In fact, Mexicans will identify with a violent armed people’s revolution in memory of Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa for their liberation before participating in mere spontaneous counter-productive street riots. Armed revolution is in our blood.

    Link= The Mexican Revolution of 1910

    Mexico is still a neo-colony of U.S. imperialism. Many Mexicans seek to escape the misery of poverty in Mexico by immigrating to the United States.

    Recall: the future Presidency of Lopez Obrador was stolen by the illegitimate Mexican government with U.S. corporate backing and the original Mexican revolution is still unfinished business.

    Wednesday, September 6th, 2006: Mexico Court Declares Calderon Winner of Disputed Election, Lopez Obrador Vows to Form Parallel Gov't

    Keep in mind that the Bush rogue regime is itself an illegitimate government stolen by fraud, deception and corporate deciders in 2000 and 2004. President Bush and his Oval Office Cabal are international war criminals themselves, should be arrested and prosecuted in an international court of law and they are still waging an unjust losing war in Iraq!

    Ultimately, it is up to our Mexican brothers and sisters in and from Mexico to continue to come out with their own independent vanguard leadership, along with our ready help, able assistance and global networking. Each of us have our own plans and priorities, though, we should have shared humane principles.

    The Defunct Chicano Movement

    The old Chicano Movement is a dead horse and needs to be revitalized in a completely new way if it is to ever have any real relevancy again. It had key major failures and failed to reach out and fully incorporate into its struggles Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans and other Latinos. Many Mexicans do not trust the old guard of the Chicano Movement to look after their special interests and rightly so. Many of our local youth do not even call themselves Chicanos or even Chicano-Americans. They identify with hip-hop more than Chicanismo!

    In the late 60’s and early 70’s, a lot of the initial revolutionary thrust of the Chicano Movement was defused and sidetracked by narrow-minded Chicano cultural nationalism. Colorful art murals, cultural trinkets and other nationalist trappings cannot create a real nation that has its territorial integrity respected. Some Chicanos made a good hustle of living off the Movimiento; others infiltrated into the pig system and then forgot they had done so!

    True power is the dual capacity to define and transform connected reality. The climax of real power is ownership and control of the land and all the institution thereon, along with a fully equipped standing army!

    Latino Liberation Now!

    Chicanos inside the United States are in a key geographical situation to help spread the growth and development of new forms of struggles and new battlefronts arm-in-arm with other positive hard-core warriors of all colors and backgrounds. However, the old Chicano Movement will have to shed its old skin of reactionary nationalism and come to embrace scientific democratic socialism, along with the peoples of Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba and other liberated territories of Latin America in opposition to the Amerikan Empire.

    President Chavez's Speech to the United Nations: Friday, Sep 16, 2005

    We as Chicanos need to think in terms of ‘Latino Liberation’ in conjunction with the humane liberation of all peoples worldwide. Armed with courage, we must all take the great leap forward to worldwide socialism as the only real alternative political-economic system to corporate capitalism, no matter what Amerikan Fascist propaganda tells you!

    Main Entry: so·cial·ism
    Pronunciation: 'sO-sh&-"li-z&m
    Function: noun
    1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
    2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
    3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

    For us Latinos, the whole unjust Amerikan occupation of Iraq has not escaped our attention or the obvious fact that many people of Iraq are brown-skinned as we are. We are aware of the rants and raves of the Bush Regime in its bogus war on terror. The fascist war on terror is a hidden weapon of mass distraction from our own urgent need to build up a strong Latino Liberation Movement inside the United States in harmony with all progressive social liberation movements.

    Our White comrades do not face the same racism, repression and surface profiling that we do as non-White peoples in a White dominated urban society. Fortunately, our common interests are far greater than any surface differences.
    Many of us Latinos live daily in real terror of deportation in certain social settings. We can make the relevant connections and inter-connections. Can you prove you are an American citizen with the paperwork on you? Do you know where your Birth Certificate is? Do you look like a Mexican immigrant?

    General Elections: November 7th, 2006

    Many progressive activists are looking forward to the mid-term elections on November 7th, 2006 in the hopes of voters electing positive and progressive candidates into office to really change the composition of the U.S. Congress that will also be receptive to our goals for social democracy and justice. But be sure not to hold your breath. We usually get merely a new batch of crooks and regular ‘politics’ is another word for corruption to many. Our politics must be the politics of relating to the people’s basic survival needs and the people’s politics of liberation!

    The U.S. liberal-radical Left Wing vanguard elements are still divided and too busy attacking each other, either overtly or covertly, to attack our real historic enemies. Once again, there is no one relevant revolutionary vanguard party inside the United States nor I suspect will there ever be one.

    If there is to be a strong unity based upon common principles among the people’s vanguard elements it will be a mixed assortment of different functional organizations, political parties and interest groups. There is no one party line to follow, no fixed hierarchy to obey, and no regimented movement. This has positive and negative aspects for us. We live in the most diverse, high-tech and complicated society in all of human history. We are in the Third Millennium! In reflection, our minds and analyses must also be a little complex as all social issues are intrinsically connected in connected reality. No one or nothing exists in isolation in-and-of-itself.

    We cannot go it alone, but we can do it all together with all liberated people with liberated souls and minds. We need to settle our petty ideological differences, come together on the basis of a common humane rights agenda, work with all progressive elements from all sectors of the general population and continue doing local community education and voter registration work wherever we are at in Aztlan.

    We should follow humane liberation principles, not mortal men. If there is no leading vanguard group in your area, start one!

    Independent Third Parties

    Independent third parties, such as, the Green Party, Peace & Freedom, La Raza Unida, and the new Party for Socialism and Liberation, can have great positive roles to play in electoral politics in national, state and local elections, but they have never dominated Amerikan electoral politics. A throwaway protest vote or a non-vote is not an example of real participation. It is asinine apathy and apathy can be a silent killer.

    Some critical social issues can be emphasized by third parties that are largely ignored or dismissed by the traditional duo-party system, however, the connected reality is that third parties running in public elections have a far better chance of actually winning political campaigns on the local level than on state and national levels. In all comes down to factual analyses of actual conditions, then, timely appropriate responses to those conditions.

    All our work should be done in harmonious conjunction with community - oriented mass education and mass mobilization that addresses a diversity of social issues while always keeping uppermost in mind the people's basic survival interests: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education.

    Inside the USA today, corporate politics and corporate business interests ultimately govern Amerikan electoral politics. It is always structurally and institutionally dominated by the duo-parties of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party like a two-headed monster. We are always living under the mega-corporate controlled global economy protected by the Fascist Amerikan Empire.

    Electoral politics and campaigns can be utilized as talking points for reaching out to people, raising consciousness and building power bases of operation.

    Ultimately, it is up to the American people to wake up in order to make real fundamental social change and structural transformation, not established political parties alone. It is a truism that we end up with the system of government we deserve based upon our personal participation as world citizens or not.

    True proportional democracy

    Unless the masses of U.S. citizens take a real active role in community education, voter registration and electoral politics on a mass basis and mass level there can be no true proportional democracy to truly represent the diversity of the millions of people in present-day Amerikan society.

    A true proportional democracy within which all the people participate would be far better than the present broken system of representative democracy we have now. A true democracy would need to be worldwide and governed by the majority of the general population on a worldwide basis with the highest respect for the rights of all minorities and all those affected by our dream democracy. There can be no safe real democracy for anyone when fascist tyranny exists anywhere and always threatens its continued existence.

    So-called democracy inside the United States for so-called poor minorities or people of color results in continued fascist tyranny and racist domination by the White majority. White racist ideology still remains one of the major obstacles to significant social unity inside the United States, let alone the evilness of present-day U.S. foreign policy in Third World ‘hot spots' and the regional wars instigated by the Bush rogue regime.

    We should always seek common denominators that unite us, not apparent differences that divide us. Unity based upon humane principles is the key!
    Think global, work global and face the HERE AND NOW of connected reality before you!.

    Liberation or Death!
    Peter S. Lopez ~ aka: Peta-de-Aztlan
    HumanE Liberation Party, Field Coordinator
    Sacramento, California, Aztlan
    Relevant Links=
    Phil Angelides ~ Democrat for Governor

    Peter Camejo ~ Green Party Candidate for Governor
    Party for Socialism and Libertion
    La Raza Unida Party
    General Election Date = November 7th, 2006
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