Saturday, July 08, 2006

‘Come Out, Come Out!’ ~por Peta de Aztlan

Come out of the long dark shadows
Of foul fear, of cold alien ignorance
Of corrupt chains forged by Amerikan arrogance.

Boldly enter into the divine bright light of Eternal Truth.
Ye are of the Great Sun, New Moon and Mother Earth.
Live life in pure love anew in your sacred re-births!

Claim your ancient inheritance
Paid by eons of sweat, blood and tears
Grab courage in hand and kill off all your fears.

Continue the march forward to freedom,
Freedom from misery, poverty and slavery
Freedom from twisted lies, sad spies and all that dies.

Stand up tall before all nations, peoples and times!
You have always been at home in your native land.
This the blind racist gringo will never ever understand.

Understand this is our time in history to take a stand!
This was, is and will always be our land we still call Aztlan!

Before false borders were made from broken treaties...
Before the armed invasions of Conquistadors with Bibles above our graves,
The lands, valleys, deserts and the mountains knew only us!
The air only carried our voices, our war chants, and our sacred songs!
The soil only felt our barefeet and only knew our calloused hands!

Come out with courage and fight the good fight
Even if the heavens above fall and hell below raises!

Let future generations know we came out for what is ours!
Despite all labels, we are gente de Aztlan and people of Mother Earth!

By Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta de Aztlan


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